Body contouring will take years off your skin!

Discover the latest techniques for firming, sculpting, and tightening your skin. Body contouring and skin tightening is a safe and effective way to turn back the clock, or simply freeze time!

A Non-Surgical Treatment

This treatment uses advanced, non-surgical radio frequency technology to safely and comfortably deliver energy below the skin’s surface.  As a response to the heat, the tissues contract, and collagen formation is triggered. This treatment helps to tighten skin, break down stubborn fat, reduce circumference and reshape problem areas. The result is a slimmer figure, tighter skin, with a more defined shape. Today’s treatments can target both smaller, hard-to-hit areas like the arms and jawline, and larger, more common problem areas like the abdomen, buttocks and thighs.  For best results this treatment is recommended to be done once a week for 6-8 weeks.


  • Advanced radio frequency technology that safely delivers sculpted, tighter, smoother skin
  • Venus Freeze technology that is safe for all skin tones
  • Comfortable treatments with no downtime
  • Quick treatment sessions

Need help with your skin?

Send us a quick message and one of our aestheticians will discuss your personal skin care plan and determine the treatment that is right for you.